From hot flushes to cool, calm and collected

Restless nights, irregular period and unexpected heat rising through the body begins as whispers of menopause calling in for change. This is a major lifetime shift, a ceremony of transformation and an initiation into the next phase of life. The likes of which are all welcomed but for the vast array of challenging symptoms that can come along with menopause!

the majority of symptoms associated with menopause are experienced by people in western countries. Our western society, busy, stressed, poor diet, lack of exercise and exposure to toxins in the food, water and environment increases the likelihood and severity of challenging symptoms. We also tend to have an allopathic view of normal bodily processes and unfortunately menopause has been demonised. This period of life is not something that can be stopped, controlled or halted and nor should it be. We must embrace menopause and allow it, receiving support where we need it to make it as smooth a process as possible.

During menopause the body is significantly more sensitive. This is because hormone secretion is shifting and the organs are also shifting. Hormones move from fertility hormones to a more baseline hormonal range. The organs shift from their reproductive duties to a role that supports energy production and the function of adrenal glands.

In non-western societies menopause is considered a rite of passage into a new phase of life. It is seen as the shift in roles from the mother to wise woman, deeply revered and respected. It is considered a new life because a person is filled with new energy, a higher libido and a subtler, more grounded rhythm.

The combination of heightened sensitivity of the body, stress and other body challenges produces these symptoms. Now, the reproductive organs are considered ‘fire’ organs in traditional chinese medicine as they primarily produce heat in the body. It’s no wonder that the symptoms mostly experienced during menopause are heat related - hot flushes, over heating, redness in the skin and night sweats are some of the most difficult menopause symptoms.

It’s important that we sit with this process and allow it to unfold and work through until the shift has occurred. We need to hold space for the body to do what it naturally does best. In saying that, in our modern life we need to function, so here are some tips to get through menopause and experience the gifts it brings.

  • Avoid Inflammatory Foods: inflammatory foods like gluten, dairy, sugar, nightshade vegetables and red meat naturally act as heat producing foods in the body, they raise our acidity and some of them can activate our immune system to produce inflammation. This added heat will set off symptoms so it’s best to avoid them!

  • Hydrate! I now it sounds too simple to be true but water puts out the fire! Not literally of course, but being properly hydrated allows the body to buffer fluctuations in heat producing processes that can set of a hot flush. When we talk hydration we’re talking crystalline forming hydration which means MINERALS! Adding electrolytes to your water makes a difference and so does filtered water.

  • Take herbal supplements: We can’t stress enough just how impactful herbal supplements are during this phase. There are herbs that have been clinically proven to reduce night sweats and hot flushes. There are herbs that boost estrogen and there are herbs that boost progesterone. There are also herbs that work across the board to balance out the fluctuations in hormones. This incredible medicine can make a huge difference in taking you from hot hot! to cool calm and collected.

  • Get tested: blood hormone profiles can be really helpful in figuring out where your hormones need the most support. Every single persons hormone profile is unique. The biochemical hormone cascade itself is incredibly complex. There is no blanket treatment for menopausal symptoms but understanding where your hormone levels are at helps so much with treatment. The best blood test for hormone profiles is the DUTCH test. Available through nutripath with our naturopath at Luminous body.

  • Manage stress: Transitional periods in life are periods where we have unprecidented access to stored emotions and core limiting beliefs that are no longer servicing us. Mood swings and anxiety are not only hormone based but are also ‘flared up’ with the activity of menopause. In a way they are coming up or being brought out to be seen and felt and processed. Clearing and moving through these emotional blocks liberates this dense energy and allows for the flow of change to occur. Not only this but there are learnings and teachings in the process. Using Neuro Emotional Technique to liberate stored emotion and using psychotherapy to help move through the underlying baggage can be the best gift you could give to yourself.

    If you’re experience menopause or menopausal symptoms don’t just write it off as ‘it’s just my hormones’, take the opportunity to listen to your body and attend to your symptoms. Give yourself what you need to move through this most important time. There are so many options to heal and grow through menopause so come and consult with us for help on your journey.


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